In a small town dominated by the sanitary ware industry, a factory named "Ocean Luck Industries Limited" stands there, as if it is a constantly surging trend, bringing unique surprises and enjoyment to people. On a sunny morning in 2011, the factory welcomed its founders, who carried their love and dreams for sanitary products and were determined to turn the "water" in life into an art, bringing beauty and comfort to the world. "Quality is life" is not only the concept of Ocean Luck Industries Limited, but also the vision they set at the beginning of their establishment. They believe that only with excellent quality can they truly win the trust and support of customers. Therefore, they not only strive for excellence in product design, but also pay attention to the improvement of production processes and strict quality control.




From the first machine to today's modern production line, Ocean Luck Industries Limited has always adhered to the spirit of ingenuity and polished every product like a work of art. Basin faucet, kitchen faucet, shower faucet, shower, bathroom accessories, safety handrails... Each product is a masterpiece created with their heart, providing customers with a one-stop service for bathroom products.